キーワード: You will be the Champion.9
You will be the Champion.9Viewストロング小林佑樹 VS 栗原 慶太9
You will be the Champion.9ViewJRエスティリモス VS 久高 寛之0
You will be the Champion.9View国本 陸 VS 甲斐 斗志広3
You will be the Champion.9View桑畑デカナルド闘凜生 VS 谷口 陽祐2
You will be the Champion.9Viewぴょん拓也 VS 平井 雅樹0
You will be the Champion.9View古谷 昭男 VS 田島 厳輝2
You will be the Champion.9ViewYou will be the Champion.90